This form is used to request the use of space in the St. John’s Lutheran Church building. All requests will be reviewed. Communication regarding acceptance or denial of the request will be made to the person submitting the request. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 2Contact InformationName of contact person accepting responsibility *FirstLastEmail of contact person *EmailConfirm EmailPhone number of contact person *Is it okay to text this number?YesNo Are you a member of St. John's? *MemberNon-memberFriend or family of memberEvent InformationGroup / Event Name *Date of Event *Is this a one time event? *Yes, one time, one day onlyYes, one time, multiple day eventNo, it is a recurring eventRecurring Frequency *weeklybi-weeklymonthlyotherend date of eventOther frequency *Describe how this is a recurring options *First and ThirdSecond and FourthEvery other weekmonthly options *FirstSecondThirdFourthSpecific Dateday of week requested *SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaymonthly date requested *12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Number of weeks this event recurs Selected Value: 2 Number of months this event recurs *123456789101112How many months will this meeting recur?start time of meeting or event *start time of set up (when doors will unlock)Most meetings only require the doors to open 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting time.end time of meeting or eventend of meeting/clean up time (when doors will lock)If you are requesting space for a meeting that does not involve clean up, the doors may lock before your meeting ends to ensure building security.comments relating to scheduling dates and timesestimated number attendingThis will help ensure the requested space fits your needs.areas requestedfellowship hallkitchensanctuarylibraryconference roomyouth roomnarthexMartin Luther room(downstairs)Ten Commandments room (downstairs)Peter room (downstairs)Mary & Martha room (downstairs)Ruth & Naomi room (downstairs)otherPlease describe other areas requested for use. *comments/additional needsPlease describe any special needs or set up required, such as smart board, projection, DVD, or microphone.Terms of UseFollowing are some basics terms for using space at St. John's.No alcoholic beverages of any kind are permitted on the premises.No smoking is allowed in the church buildingNo fundraising events may be held at St. John's unless prior approal is obtained from the Church council.We will do our best to remove fallen snow in a timely fashion, but do not guarantee it will be done before the start of your event. If you need to clear a path for your attendants, shovels can be found inside each entrance door.Failure to comply with these terms could result in suspension of building use privledges.I will receive an email or phone call confirming the acceptance or rejection of this request or with further information.Additional communication will be shared if the events or meetings involves fees.I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of use listed above. *Yes, I agree.NextUpdating preview…This is a preview of your submission. It has not been submitted yet! Please take a moment to verify your information. You can also go back to make changes.PreviousSubmit