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Vacation Bible School

VBS 2025

Build VBS: Faith in Action

Who:  Kids ages 4 (by September 1, 2024) through 5th grade (finishing)
Ages 6th grade and up are encouraged to join us as leaders!

What:  Kids will learn to BUILD their lives on the Solid Rock of Jesus! Each day the Bible lesson will connect Legos and STEM as we explore putting our faith in action as we build a Giant Lego Man! 

Where:  St. John’s Lutheran Church, 20275 Davidson Rd, Brookfield, Wisconsin 53045

When:  August 4-7, 2025 from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Join us for closing Family Fun Night at 6:30 on August 7.

How:  Register online HERE.

If you are registering more than one child, please complete a registration form for each child. Registration deadline is July 20 or when classes are full. 

Costs:  $35 per child before June 1 ($100 family maximum), $40 per child after June 1 ($120 family maximum) for VBS Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, including snacks and projects.

Payment Information

Click the “Pay Here” button below to submit payment electronically.

Or mail checks payable to St. John’s Lutheran Church with “VBS registration” in the memo line.

Mail checks to:
     St. John’s Lutheran Church
     20275 Davidson Road
     Brookfield, WI  53045

If you are registering more than one child, please complete a registration form for each child. Registration deadline is July 20 or when classes are full. 

Scholarships will be available for those needing financial assistance.

Volunteer Opportunities

It takes a lot of volunteers to successfully run our VBS. Please consider volunteering. Sign up here:

Want to
discuss VBS?

Please contact Joanna Salinas or call the Church Office.


(262) 786-6887

Need more information?

We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.