We Are God’s Creation
Sunday School 2024–2025

Ages Toddler to 5th Grade
St. John’s welcomes families with Toddlers to 5th Graders to join our Sunday School program.
In Baptism parents promise to help their children grow in the Christian faith and life.
Sunday School is a resource to help families live out that goal.
Sunday School 2024-2025
In Person Sunday School, Sundays 9:45 – 10:30 a.m.
Join us for Sunday School this fall!
9:45-10:05 – Large Group Gathering
This is a time for stewardship, music, and a chance to hear our favorite Bible Stories in a new way! Families are welcome to attend this time together.
10:05-10:30 – Small Group Time
We break into age specific groups to build relationships and dive deeper into the story.
Please e-mail Joanna Salinas, our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, with any questions.
Need more information?
We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.