A Culture of Generosity

The faith community of St. John’s believes deeply that all of who we are and all that we have are given to us by the wonderful grace of God. The very breaths we take each day, is a constant reminder of what a gift life really is. The love of our family, friends, and community is also a constant reminder of the ever present and never-failing love of our creator and redeemer for us. We belong to God.
As followers of Christ, we believe that God loves us abundantly. As Christ ministered to those who were sick and dispossessed, to those who hungered for bread and to those who strove for justice and righteousness, he did so out of his capacity to love unconditionally. Inspired and encouraged by the Holy Spirit we are called to do the same.
In this abundance we share the gifts of God for the good of others. Our time, talent, treasures – everything we have belongs to God and in return we have the privilege of making God’s world a place of joy, love, and peace, oftentimes in the midst of the suffering we ourselves may face or we in what we see in our world today.
It is in the giving that we receive. This has been true for the church for over two thousand years.
Like the church in Corinth, to whom the apostle Paul wrote so long ago, we at St. John’s understand ourselves in the same way Paul envisioned his church: Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mercies. (1 Corinthians 4:1)
May God continue to bless you in all God’s mercies!
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