Music Ministry

St. John’s has a vibrant, active music program. The purpose of our music ministry is to help the congregation worship. The gifts and talents of participating members are used to praise God and to proclaim God’s Word through music.
Nearly 100 members are involved in various musical groups. They are:

Senior Choir
The senior choir rehearses each Wednesday at 6:30-7:45 pm in the sanctuary, September-May. They sing in worship 2-3 times per month. Contact Becky for more information.

Handbell Choir
The handbell choir rehearses each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary, September-May. They play in worship about once per month. Contact Heidi for more information.

Instrumental and Vocal Ensembles and Soloists
Soloists and ensembles provide special music during worship. If you have a music gift to share during worship, contact Becky.

Brass Ensemble
Rehearsals vary depending on when they play for services. This group typically plays 6-8 times a year during Festival Sundays.

Contemporary Worship Band
The Praise Band leads the worship music each week for the later Sunday service. Contact Kenn, Contemporary Music Director, for more information.
Need more information?
We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.