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St. John’s Outreach Programs

Following Jesus;
Making Disciples;
Serving the World.

Outreach Service Groups:

St. John’s quilting ministry creates quilts for Lutheran World Relief. They meet the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.  No sewing skills required.  For more information on this ministry, contact Klaudia.

Prayer shawls provide comfort and support to anyone in need. Our shawls are a symbol of caring and love, letting the recipient know that people care and are praying for them.

Know someone suffering from a loss, recovering from surgery, or otherwise needing to be wrapped in God’s love? The completed shawls are available to be given away as needs arise.

Want to join this group? They meet the second Friday of each month to knit/crochet and talk and pray. Patterns are available. For more information on this ministry, contact Linda.

Global Health Ministries distributes kits to midwives, birth attendants and new moms in developing countries. This group collects or creates the requested items for each kit such as receiving blankets, hats, onesies, and towels. The kits are assembled once a year. For more information on this ministry, contact Mickey.

Local Outreach Groups:

St. John’s members help prepare and serve a noon meal every Monday at the Waukesha Hope Center. Want to participate? For more information on this ministry, contact Brian.  For more information about the Hope Center visit

Served at the Hope Center, Loaves and Fishes is a meal for the homeless and hungry in Waukesha. St. John’s is assigned 2-3 Sundays each year to prep and serve this meal. Want to help prep or serve this meal? Watch for a sign-up on the website. For more information on this ministry, contact Dawn.

The Hope Center accepts donations of household items (i.e. furniture and appliances). These items are then given to clients. Project Move uses volunteer teams from the community to pick up and deliver the items. St. John’s has a team! Extra muscle power is always welcome. Please contact Chris Klink if you are interested in helping with this ministry – as a regular or as a substitute.

St. John’s partners with local agencies that help our community. Support is provided through donations of items, finances and time. Please click the links below to learn more about these agencies making a difference.

Waukesha Food Pantry

Hope Center of Wisconsin

The Women’s Center

Global Outreach Groups:

The world provides enough food for all, but more than 800 million people around the world face chronic hunger. We believe in a God of abundance, so as a church, we live out our call in baptism to strive for a just world where all are fed. ELCA World Hunger is our church wide ministry to end hunger and poverty. We walk alongside our partners and companions in the United States and more than 60 other countries. Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger address hunger and poverty around the world with creative and courageous action. St. Johns is recognized as one of the top donating churches to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. For more information visit:

Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.  Moved by God’s grace in Jesus Christ, we advocate for a world without hunger. Bread members send letters and emails, make phone calls, and visit their members of Congress about legislation that addresses hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Bread equips its members to communicate with Congress and to work with others on advocacy. It educates members on hunger-related issues and inspires members to be legislative activists as a way of putting their Christian faith into action.

St John’s began sending an Offering of Letters in 2006. 

For additional information visit or the Bread for the World section on the Documents and Forms page.

Want to
discuss outreach?

Please contact us by email or call the Church Office.


(262) 786-6887

April 2025 Outreach Offering Focus

Addy is organizing a collection for HAWS for her confirmation project. Donations may be placed in the shopping cart by the office. 


Need more information?

We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.