Ministries – at St. John’s

Whatever your talent, there is a place for you to serve. We offer several opportunities for serving at St. John’s, especially on Sunday mornings.
Sunday Mornings
Worship Team
The Worship Team includes:
- greeters
- acolytes
- assisting ministers
- AV operators
- communion assistants
- greeters
- lectors
Our worship style requires many people each week to provide a meaningful worship experience. Joining this ministry team is a perfect way to get involved and try something new. Training is provided. You may serve once or choose to serve often.
Perk & Pastries
This is our fellowship time between Sunday morning services. Volunteers are needed to make coffee, set out treats, and clean up.
To learn more about these ministries or to be added to the schedule, Contact Pam.
Education Team
Our vibrant Sunday School utilizes many different skills to run smoothly. A few of the vital volunteers include:
- counting Sunday School offerings
- leading music
- acting in skits
- leading or assisting with small groups.
To learn more about these ministry opportunities contact Joanna.
Offering Counters
This ministry operates in small teams of three who count all offerings about once a month. To learn more about this ministry contact Roger.
Property Team
This team meets each Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. to keep the St. John’s building and grounds in good condition. To learn more about this ministry contact Bill.
Garden Team
The Garden Team is a dedicated group who enjoy vegetable gardening. A weeding and harvesting schedule is set up in May with each individual/family covering 1 or 2 weeks of the summer. Harvested produce is donated to the Waukesha Food Pantry. To learn more about this ministry contact Jennifer.
Sanctuary Care
This ministry includes:
- changing banners
- decorating seasonally
- purchasing wine
- sanitizing prayground toys (a special area for kids up to three years of age)
To learn more about this ministry contact Pastor.
Want to discuss volunteering at St. John’s?
Please contact the ministry leader mentioned at left or call the Church Office.
(262) 786-6887
Need more information?
We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.