Two-Year Old Class

Daily Schedule
9:00 – 9:20 Check In, Free Play, and Art Time
9:20 – 9:35 Circle Time
9:35 – 9:55 Large Muscle Time or Outdoor Play
9:55 – 10:15 Bathroom Break & Snack
10:15 – 10:20 Christian Education with Music and Movement
10:20 – 10:40 Free Play
10:40 – 10:45 Clean Up
10:45– 11:00 Circle Time & Goodbye
Frequently Asked Questions
Children enrolling in the Two-Year-Old Class must be 2 years old by September 1. Children can join after their 2nd birthday throughout the school year based on available openings.
Our Two Year Old Class is two mornings per week, Tuesday and Thursday, from 9-11:00a.m.
No, potty training is not required. Please include diapers or Pull-Up’s in your child’s backpack if he or she is learning to use the bathroom regularly or for the occasional accident.
St.John’s Preschool is part of the Children, Youth and their Families ministry at St. John’s Lutheran Church. We are a Christ-centered preschool where prayers and Christian Education time are part of each day. Holidays, including religious holidays, are celebrated. We do recognize, respect and encourage a culturally diverse experience for all children.
St. John’s Preschool teaches a Playing to Learn curriculum that features activities to facilitate learning and growing. Skills are age-appropriate and are introduced, taught on a daily basis and reinforced throughout the school year. Our teachers guide learning through planned, fun engaging activities that nurture each child’s development in all the ways that are important to them. Our teachers recognize that each child learns at their own rate.
This is a general guideline to St. John’s Two Year Old Class:
Social Skills
Making friends and maintaining friendships, playing cooperatively with other children, beginning to use turn-taking in play, and participating in social activities.
Language Skills - Expressive
Speaking skills; expressing wants, needs and thoughts verbally, using language to interact with peers, a range of vocabulary, and using speech that can be understood knowing a Two year old is more able to understand than to verbalize.
Language Skills - Receptive
Listening skills; responding to verbal requests knowing a Two year old requires modeling or demonstration along with verbal directions, and recognizing common sounds in the environment.
Early Literacy Skills
Interest in reading activities.
Small Muscle Skills
Eye-hand coordination, and exploring materials of different textures.
Large Muscle Skills
Balance, coordination, and sense of direction e.g. up, down, beside.
Self-regulation Skills
Adjusting to change in routine, consistency of behavior and mood, labeling emotions of others, showing a range of emotions, learning to express anger and frustration appropriately, understanding the consequences of behaviors, and beginning to use words to solve problems with peers.
Classroom Skills
Following the daily classroom routine, transitioning from one activity to another, and paying attention during group activities.
The average class size for our Two Year Old Class is 8-10 children.
Yes, we always welcome new students throughout the school year based on available openings.
There is Snack Time in the middle of each preschool day.
St. John’s Preschool Healthy Snack Program provides nutritional foods that children will enjoy each day at snack time. The Healthy Snack List is posted weekly in each classroom. A complete list of the foods and recipes are available by request.
As educators, we recognize the importance of healthy eating as part of how Preschoolers are growing and developing. Research shows that proper nutrition including wholesome and minimally-processed foods helps brain development, better focus and attention as well as instilling good eating habits. Many foods will be offered during snack time that will include a variety of fruit and vegetables, grains and protein.
St. John’s Preschool is a peanut-free and tree-nut free school.
We recognize and work with parents of children with food allergies and/or dietary restrictions.
Birthday and holiday snacks may include some sweet treats.
Email is the best way to reach St. John’s Preschool.
Preschool Quick Links

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St. John’s Preschool in-person tours are available by appointment.
Email is the best way to reach St. John’s Preschool.
Need more information?
We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.